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Looking for your jury notifications and didn't get one?  Log into your Artist Profile and find out how you did!
M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Thank you for using!  This is our new contract, just fill it out and hit submit.  Even if you are a currrent customer, we need a new one of these for each show.  A copy of this contract will be emailed to you as a receipt of entry acknowledgement.

Agreement for Services

Participating parties

102 Kalmus
Costa Mesa, CA

This agreement is made and entered into this day 10/22/2024  between, hereafter known as PROVIDER, and

Organization Name

hereafter known as CLIENT, for the website services located online at (Hereinafter the “Website”).

PROVIDER agrees to host and operate the hardware and software as well as provide technical support to CLIENT and ARTISTS in regard to the direct usage of the Website.


ARTISTS (those who apply for inclusion of CLIENT Show) will be able to upload their images of their artwork via the Website during the posted OPEN and DEADLINE dates beginning at 12:00AM PST of the OPEN date and 11:59PM PST of the DEADLINE date.

The SHOW, hereafter known as the show for which this contract is valid for and applies to, including the judge(s) results and comments will remain active on the site indefinitely.   Images are accessible to the ARTIST via the ARTIST LOGIN/ARTIST PROFILE.  Scores and Comments of the juror(s) are NOT available to the Artist.  The SHOW will remain in the PAST SHOWS portion of the website indefinitely but not less than one year of the DEADLINE date.

PROVIDER shall provide CLIENT with copies of all records related to the SHOW, including but not limited to judge(s) results and comments for CLIENT’S records.


This SHOW (check one)

be published for public viewing in the PUBLISHED SHOWS section after the finalization of the scoring and notifications have been sent.  Publishing includes displaying only the work that was selected as accepted and is free to the CLIENT.


Any misuse of the emailing portion, including spamming, unsolicited advertisement or any illegal information or activities by CLIENT will permanently suspend the SHOW and default all monies paid.

PROVIDER is in no way responsible for the content of images from ARTISTS.

PROVIDER is not responsible for data loss in the event of a natural disaster in the greater Los Angeles/Orange/San Diego counties, California.

PROVIDER is not responsible, liable and does not condemn nor condone comments and scores made from jurors through the juror comments section.

PROVIDER is not responsible for ARTIST’S inability to correctly enter their submission via the Website.

PROVIDER does not include copyright protection for images submitted to the Website.  Copyright protection of images is the responsibility of the ARTISTS.

PROVIDER shall not in any way sell, distribute or authorize the use of ARTIST’S images to any third party.

PROVIDER shall not in any way sell, distribute or authorize the use of email addresses provided by the ARTISTS to any third party, however PROVIDER shall have the right to solicit to current database of artist email address to promote other SHOWS offered through


Fees are calculated based on the following schedule:

$7.00 per ARTIST
$125 Admin fee, deducted from the final disbursement check. 2.99% + .30 cents per transaction.

Invoicing and disbursement of collected entry fees will be done on or about the end of the month of the DEADLINE date.  Disbursements are made via check through USPS.

This agreement is binding according to the laws of the State of California, this year 2023.


Contact Person(s):
Address (you want the check sent to):
City, State, Zip:
Email Address(es):
Phone (private, for our use):
Title of Show:
Entry OPEN Date:
Entry DEADLINE Date:
To make sure the show runs smoothly, the following help us set things up right...  
Is this show 2D, 3D or Both?:
Is this show a Plein Air Event:?(You will be choosing Aritsts and not individual artworks)
How many entries can each artist submit?
Is NFS OK?(Not for Sale)
On the front page of our website, we list a "locale".  For example, Worldwide, Nationwide, Specific State or area or Members Only, etc.  What would you like to put there?
Will there be multiple jurors?
Do you want the jurors to see the names of the artists or keep it blind?
(this helps if you're jurying in signature members)
What is the max number of entries an artist can have accepted in to the show?  i.e.- All, 1, 2, 3, does not apply
Do you want the juror to select individual entries or just give them all a score and you make the final cutoff?  And if so, what is the cutoff number? (it helps give the juror an idea as to how many to accept)
Name and email of Technical Contact.
Someone who can help your members with the website and their images



Randy Higbee





For a copy for your records, print this page, then click Submit.

Human Validation, What is 5+3?


rev. 9/24


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