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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Creating an account is free and easy! If it says the email is already in use, you have already created an account with Use the Forgot Password to have the system send you a reminder.

Create New Account
for new artists (you only need to do this once for ALL shows run through

ALL fields required - Remember, this is the information that will be passed along to the show you're entering. If your information is incorrect or not complete, it could disqualify you from being accepted into their show.

First name:
Last name:
email address:
confirm email address
*Please note that everything is required, as it is passed on to the organization.
City, State Zip: ,
5 digit Zip Code:
Confirm Password:

Human Validation, What is 5+3?

Privacy Policy:  We do not sell your information to anyone.  Not your personal information, your artwork information... nothing.  However, your information IS passed along to the show you're entering, which also includes all the information about all the artwork you're entering as well.  Just like any show you've ever entered before.  We do not store credit card or PayPal information, only transaction ID's which allow us to reference a transaction if we need to look something up.  In any case, we do not have access to your credit card or PayPal information.  We use a SSL and have a valid Secure SSL Certificate issued by  Our servers sit behind an expensive firewall.  Once a month we send an email with all the current shows that are available.  You can unsubscribe or opt out of getting those emails, but then you won't know what other great opportunities there are for selling your work or getting exposure.  It's your choice, but your account will still be active.  I hope this covers it.

-Randy Higbee


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