Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists
Winterlude: Botanical Promises 2016
Winterlude: Botanical Promises
Exhibition Details
The Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists (RMSBA) has been invited to stage a Small Works Exhibit at Gallery Bleu this coming November and December, 2016. Gallery Bleu is located in the Bas Bleu Theatre, 401 Pine Street, Fort Collins, CO. The theme of the exhibit is ‘Winterlude: Botanical Promises.’
‘Winterlude’ is that place you visit in your mind to escape the frozen landscape of winter. The paintings submitted for this exhibit should express your interpretation of ‘Winterlude.’ Explore the highly realistic expression of botanical illustration and present the botanical promises that come with the renewal of spring.
Artists submitting work must be members in good standing of RMSBA. You are invited to enter original artwork in any two-dimensional medium that reflects the tradition of botanical art. Prints will not be accepted. All work will be juried using digital images. Artwork must not exceed a framed size of 12” x 12.”
The entry fee is $20 for one entry plus $5 for each additional entry. Only one image per artist will be allowed in the exhibit due to limited gallery space. The entry fee is non-refundable, and must be paid by the entry deadline, October 1, 2016. Retain your ‘Payment Receipt’ email for future reference.
Entering Your Images
Entry form must be filled out in its entirety, including unframed dimensions (or size), framed dimensions (if not known, estimate it) or weight, medium, and price, if requested. List sizes up to the nearest half inch. Submitted images must not include matting or frame. Crop the photos to include only the artwork. Be sure your images are right-side-up.
For best results, make sure your image is 1920 pixels @72 dpi on the longest side. Images should be in JPEG format, sRGB color space. Help in photographing your work and properly sizing your images can be found at: If you need help entering your images or are unable to, please email or call 949-287-8645.
Jury Procedure
All artwork will be juried using digital images. Criteria for acceptance will include botanical accuracy as well as artistic presentation and technical use of medium represented by a high quality digital image. Exhibit juror is Mary McCauley, curator of Gallery Bleu, and a long-time artist. In 2014 she earned her Foundation Certificate in Botanical Illustration from the Denver Botanic Gardens School of Botanical Art and Illustration. Her portfolio shared the Sydney Parkinson Award for botanical illustration excellence. Selection results will be emailed October 12, 2016.
Gallery Bleu will retain a 30% commission on all sales, and RMSBA will retain a 10% commission.
Gallery Bleu will manage the onsite sales and send settlement checks to artists within 30 days of the exhibit close.
1. Open for entry April 25, 2016.
2. Last day to enter October 1, 2016.
3. Notification sent October 12, 2016
4. Deadline and location for receipt of shipped and drop-off artwork to be determined. Detailed instructions to follow.
5. Install by Gallery Bleu October 31st, 2016.
6. Opening reception Friday, November 4, 2016, 5 – 7 p.m.
7. December reception Friday, December 2, 2016, 5 – 7 p.m.
8. Take down Monday, January 2, 2017.
Receiving Artwork
Artists whose work is accepted by jurors will receive detailed instructions for shipping and hand delivery of artwork. Artists are responsible for all shipping and insurance costs to and from the exhibit. Gallery Bleu will insure the art, up to $5,000 each artwork, while the art is in its possession.
Presentation of Artwork
• Frames must be ordered from Dick Blick Blick Essential Natural Wood Frame Kit #18862-1904 (12” x 12”) which includes Plexiglas glazing.
• Mats must be white or off white.
• No saw-tooth hangers or projecting eye screws. D-rings with picture wire hangers are preferred
• Label the back of your artwork with your name, address, phone number, email, title of artwork, sales status and price (include price even if not for sale).
• Accepted entries that do not conform to these requirements may be refused at the time of installation.
If you have questions, contact the following exhibit co-chairs: Sharon Eaton or Patti Hearn