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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation
2025 TOCAalooza Fine Art Juried Show

The TOCA Foundation 2025 Fine Arts Juried Show recognizes the best in original mixed media arts. ≥30 artworks will be selected from the prestigious field of artist entries to be included in an exhibition at the June 21, 2025 TOCApalooza (formerly SouthBay Festival of the Arts).

Judges will select the top 3 artworks by adults to receive the Gold, Silver, Bronze awards. 1 by Youth submission will be eligible for a specific youth prize.



Entry Application Deadline: May 25, 2025

To be eligible for the youth category, the artist must be 17-years-old or younger.

This exhibition is open to all representational artists worldwide in any two-dimensional media, excluding photography.

Entry Application, Artwork Submission, and Fees must be completed on the Onlinejuriedshows website. Log in and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions.



To be announced



Complete the “Entry Application”, “submit images” of your art for jury review and pay the entry fees on OnlineJuriedShows. Log in and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions.

Entry Fees are non-refundableThere will be no refunds for any reason. By entering the competition, you are confirming that you accept the refund policy.



3 artists will receive awards, gifts, unlimited rights to the use of the TOCA award logo, see their art featured on the Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation Website and in 3 Armstrong Performing Art Programs.


TOCA Best of Show - Gold Award

-    Award

-    Free Scan and Giclee (up to 36x72) - a up to $470 value - Courtesy of Image Quest (A Bakers Man Company)

-    $500 prize

TOCA Silver Award

-    Award

-    75% Discounted Scan and Giclee (up to 36x72) - a up to $352.50 value - Courtesy of Image Quest (A Bakers Man Company)

-    $200

TOCA Bronze Award

-    Award

-    50% Discounted Scan and Giclee (up to 36x72) - a up to $235 value - Courtesy of Image Quest (A Bakers Man Company)

-    $100



TOCA Best of Show Youth - Gold Award

-    Award

-    Free Scan and Giclee (up to 36x72) - a up to $470 value - Courtesy of Image Quest (A Bakers Man Company)

-    $150 prize



This is a juried exhibition. Artists may submit unlimited digital images of their works to OnlineJuriedShows for the jury selection process. The entry fee for the adult and youth categories is $30 for each the first image, additional images are $15 each. Entry fees are non–refundable and must be paid by the entry deadline.




May 25, 2025 ENTRY DEADLINE:  Completed Entry application with accompanying digital images and jury fee submitted to OnlineJuriedShows

May 26 - May 30, 2025 JURY SESSION:  Exhibition Artwork Judging

June 2 - 4, 2025 EXHIBITION ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION:    Artist’s work selected for the Exhibition will be notified no later than June 4, 2025. Results will be available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile.

TBD between June 19 & 20  EXHIBITION ARTWORK TURN-IN DAYS:  Hand-deliver your juror-accepted and ready-to-hang painting(s) between 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on either of these dates to the Ken Miller Center at:

Torrance Cultural Arts Center

3300 Civic Center Drive

Torrance, CA 90503

* Out-of-town exhibition artwork that cannot be delivered in person on the designated date and time can be shipped.

Shipments MUST arrive the no earlier than June 16 and received no later than 20 June to be accepted for exhibition. Artists will be responsible for the cost of crating, handling, and shipping artwork to and from the exhibition.

Please ship artwork to:

Bakers Man Productions

3904 Del Amo Blvd #803

Torrance CA 90503

Attn: David Kartsonis


JUNE 21 TOCA 2025 JURIED FINE ARTS SHOW & AWARDS:          11:00 AM – 5:00 PM  Exhibition

  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM  Champagne Reception & Awards Announcement


Ken Miller Center

Torrance Cultural Arts Center

3300 Civic Center Drive

Torrance, CA 90503

June 21 ARTWORK PICK UP:  Artists are responsible to arrange to pick up of their artwork at the Ken Miller Center between 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM following the Awards Reception.

LIABILITY:  Artwork will be handled with the utmost care, and TOCA will make every reasonable effort to keep all submitted artwork safe. However, Artists are responsible for insuring their artwork. TOCA and its representatives are not responsible for loss, theft or damage of your artwork while in the organization’s possession or in transit, including those artworks sold during the exhibition. Submission of the online entry form and fee, along with a signed waiver form for accepted art works at the take-in, shall constitute agreement with ALL conditions set forth in this prospectus.



Entering your images:

• Log in on this page and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions.

• Entry form must be filled out in its entirety. List artwork size up to the nearest inch. Submitted images must not include matting or frame. Crop the photos to include only the artwork. Be sure your images are right - side - up.

• Before uploading your images, make sure they are smaller than 4MB, but at least 1920 pixels on the longest side at 72 dpi. Images should be in JPEG format, sRGB color space. Help in photographing your work and properly sizing your images can be found at:

If you need help entering your images or are unable to, please email: or call 888-666-1351

Please add  and to your safe senders list to ensure notifications are received.



This exhibition is designed to provide the South Bay and surrounding communities exposure to the rich diversity of the arts and their contribution to our culture. The TOCA 2025 Juried Show will celebrate the artists who capture this beauty in their creative process. It also provides emerging and established artists the opportunity to be recognized for their work and for the public to purchase excellent examples of original art.

The exhibition is part of the 2025 TOCAPalooza.  We are expecting approximately 4000 attendees. Our 2019 festival (prior to Covid-19 closures) drew an attendance of over 3,500. This year over 4,500 attendees are expected. The event features performing arts on 3 stages, children’s art demonstrations and crafts, food, beer & wine, and art displays. All proceeds benefit the mission of the non-profit Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation.

The juried exhibition will be held in the Ken Miller Center at the Torrance Cultural Center and will be followed by an Awards Reception.

Date: Saturday June 21, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Ken Miller Center

Torrance Cultural Art Center

3300 Civic Center Drive

Torrance, California


The public and artists are invited to attend the Awards Reception to recognize the artists and awards presentation following the show from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.


1.            All artwork must be original, created by the named artist and not created under an instructor’s supervision and not exhibited in any previous TOCA juried show.

2.            SIZE RESTRICTIONS: Work must not exceed 36” in height and 36” in width; weight may not exceed 30 lb.

3.            Artist agrees to permit TOCA to reproduce the accepted artwork for TOCA publicity and documentation purposes.

4.          For tips on how to best photograph and submit images, click on the active link back to “Image Help” under

Right to deny acceptance

TOCApalooza is a family event and therefor, TOCA reserves the right to deny acceptance of any piece of artwork due to objectionable content at TOCA’s sole discretion.

Juried Exhibition Art Hanging Instructions

Juried art selected for the exhibition must comply with the following hanging instructions:

1.            Only wall-hung artwork will be accepted.

2.            All Exhibition Art must be delivered to the Torrance Cultural Arts Center with a printed label attached to the back of the artwork specifying:

Artist Name:

Painting Title:

Art Medium:

Painting Size:

Sales price:



3.            In addition, the artist’s name must be printed clearly on the back of the painting, stretcher bar or frame so the artwork can be identified in the event the label is inadvertently detached.

4.            Each painting is required to be delivered to the show framed and ready to hang, including hanging wire. Be sure that the highest part of the hanging wire is at least 1 - 1/2 inch from the top of the frame so that the hanging hardware will be hidden from view behind the frame. Wiring must be in good condition and substantial enough for the weight of the artwork. No saw - tooth hangers.

5.            Submitted work should be correctly oriented (vertical or horizontal).

6.            All artwork should be framed or canvas edges should be painted if no frame.

7.            Works on paper must be framed and under glass (Museum or Anti - Reflective Glass is preferred) or Plexiglas.

8.            Revenue from Sales: Revenue from sales will be distributed as follows – 80% to the artist, 20 % to TOCA to benefit local mission projects and its programs. Artists are encouraged to offer their art for purchase. However, artwork may be listed as NFS (Not For Sale), but no “price on request.”

9.            Delivered work must match the juried image. No substitutions of accepted works will be allowed.

        10.   All accepted work must remain in the gallery for the duration of the exhibit.

        11.   Prices quoted on the entry form may not be changed after acceptance.

        12.   Each piece of artwork must be original. No photographs or prints will be accepted.



Artwork will be handled with the utmost care, and TOCA will make every reasonable effort to keep all submitted artwork safe. However, Artists are responsible for insuring their artwork. TOCA and its representatives are not responsible for loss, theft or damage of your artwork while in the organization’s possession or in transit, including those artworks sold during the exhibition. Submission of the online entry form and fee, along with a signed waiver form for accepted art works at the take-in, shall constitute agreement with ALL conditions set forth in this prospectus.


TOCA will receive a 20% commission on all sold work, and will remit the balance to artists within 30 days of show close. All payments will be based on US dollar exchange rate for the local currency at the time of payment.  By submitting, artist agrees to allowing TOCA to post a low-res image of the art to the online sales portal.


Entries may be marked NFS (Not For Sale), POR (Price on Request) or For Sale by indicating the price on the turn in form. Consider printing, materials, framing costs, TOCA’s fee, and your time when pricing. 

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