From Dusk to Dawn at the LPAPA Gallery & City Hall
PROSPECTUS - Submissions open February 2025
EXHIBITION TITLE: Annual “From Dusk to Dawn” Juried Nocturne Art Show
EXHIBITION DATES: Online Art Catalog exhibition August 4 - September 1; LPAPA Gallery Exhibition August 7 - September 1. Top-scoring Semi-Finalists at Laguna Beach City Hall (dates to be determined by City) and in the online Art Catalog exhibition August 4 - September 1; Semi-Finalists also included in the Preview Auction with Finalists August 4 - August 7.
LOCATION: Finalists at the LPAPA Gallery, 414 North Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach, CA 92651, (949) 376-3635; hours: 11am to 5pm, Thursday through Monday, and by appointment. Hours extended to 9pm the first Thursday of each month for Art Walk. Semi-Finalists to be exhibited at Laguna Beach City Hall, 505 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach, CA 92651; hours Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, and alternate Fridays 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
QUALIFICATIONS: Open to all LPAPA Signature, Artist and Student Members in good standing. Membership needs to be current through the end of the show.
SUBJECT MATTER: Open to all subject matters, and all painting mediums, that depict the show’s nocturne them; plein air and studio work eligible for submission.
DEADLINE: Submit high quality image(s) no later than 11:59 pm on Monday, June 16, 2025
ART ELIGIBILITY: Entries must not violate copyright laws. Entries must be original and completed within the last year. Entries must not have been shown in a previous LPAPA Gallery exhibition
Maximum painting size: unframed size not more than 60 united inches (United Inches = Length + Width) Example: 24” x 36” would be calculated as 24 + 36 = 60 united inches
Minimum painting size: unframed size not less than 18 united inches (United Inches = Length + Width) Example: 8” + 10” = 18 united inches
All work must be framed, wired and ready to hang; wires need to allow a sufficient clearance between hook and top of frame so that a 1” hook does not show above the frame when hung; a minimum 2” clearance is recommended; wires revealing hooks after being hung will require rewiring and delay the painting’s exhibition. No sawtooth hangers. Note: You can ship/deliver your unframed work to Randy Higbee/kingofframe ( for framing; let them know which LPAPA Show its being framed for and they will deliver your framed work to the LPAPA Gallery by the delivery deadline.
COMMISSION: 50% to Artist, 50% to LPAPA. All artwork submitted must be available for sale through the LPAPA Gallery. Commissions typically paid within 15 days of the show closing.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit jpeg images for online jurying through OnlineJuriedShows; submitted images are used for Art Catalog for accepted artwork and promotions so be sure to upload quality images. Images must be jpg, under 4 mb, and in sRGB colorspace. For best results, images should be at least 1920 pixels on the longest side @ 72 dpi. Painting title, unframed size, medium and price is required with your submission. If you need help entering your images, please contact or call 888-666-1351. Painting title, unframed size, medium and price is required with your submission.
ENTRY FEE: $40.00 Entry Fee for up to 2 painting images; each additional painting image is $5.00. You may submit up to a maximum of 6 painting images. No more than 3 entries can be accepted per artist as Finalist and/or Semi-Finalist.
Entry Fee payment must be made through OnlineJuriedShows. Entry fees are non-refundable.
All submitting LPAPA Members receive a $5.00 LPAPA Loyalty Reward credited to their member account at the close of the show to apply to future membership renewal.
NOTIFICATIONS: Notifications to be sent to artists via email by Monday, June 23, 2025, or as soon as possible after jurying is completed. Results will be available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile.
ART DELIVERY, DROP-OFF & PICKUP: Artwork can be delivered anytime after acceptance but must arrive at the LPAPA Gallery no later than 1:00 pm Tuesday, August 5, 2025; the LPAPA Gallery is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but will be open Tuesday August 5th, between 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, to accept hand carried artwork. Please be respectful of LPAPA’s staff and volunteers by delivering your work on time!
Shipped artwork needs to arrive to the LPAPA Gallery on or before Friday August 1st; do not ship work for Tuesday or Wednesday delivery arrivals when the gallery is closed.
Artists may ship accepted artwork to the LPAPA Gallery, or hand carried during regular LPAPA Gallery business hours, Thursday through Monday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, prior to the delivery deadline. Accepted Finalists artwork delivered after the 1:00 pm August 5th deadline may not be hung in time for awards judging.
Accepted City Hall Semi-Finalists can deliver work to the LPAPA Gallery before 5pm on Friday August 1st or hand-carry to City Hall on August 9th, 2025.
Unsold Finalist artwork to be picked up from the LPAPA Gallery on Tuesday, September 2, 2025, between 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, or during regular gallery hours after the close of the show; unsold Semi-Finalist artwork to be picked up at City Hall on September 19th, 2025 or artist may arrange for return shipping at the artist’s expense. Although the utmost care will be taken in handling artwork, neither LPAPA, the City, nor its representatives will be responsible for damage or loss from any cause. Insurance, if desired, is the responsibility of the artist. Please Note: LPAPA does not have the ability to store artwork for extended periods after a show closes. Please plan to pick up your artwork on the scheduled pick up day, or schedule an alternative pick up time during regular gallery hours, or arrange for return shipping on or before the scheduled pick up date. Unclaimed artwork remaining at the gallery 14 days after a show closing, without the artist having provided payment for return shipping or scheduled a pick up date, will be considered abandoned and become the property of LPAPA.
Online Art Catalog Exhibition: August 4 - Sept 1, 2025 ( ) Online Preview Auction: Opens Monday, August 4 at 10:00 am PT and ends Thursday, August 7 at 8:00 pm PT ( link will be active by 10:00 am PT Monday August 4th)
LPAPA Gallery Show: August 7 thru September 1, 2025
Art Walk Gallery Reception: Thursday, August 7, 6:00-9:00 pm (Awards announced at 7:00 pm)
1st Place $500
2nd Place $250
3rd Place $150
Honorable Mention $100
Contact LPAPA: Contact Executive Director Bonnie Langner at or call (925) 683-8374.