Waterloo Watercolor Group
47th Annual Spring Member Exhibition 2025
Lynn Ferris, Juror
Juror's statement. When judging a painting, I look for three things: A strong design (composition), technical competency, and a compelling narrative. Of these three, a compelling narrative carries the most weight. It is also the most elusive. Narrative is not a painting’s backstory, but rather what you feel when you look at it.
April 2 through May 2
The Hive Gallery
Hill Country Galleria
Bee Cave Arts Foundation Hill Country Blvd Suite F160 Austin TX 78738
Reception and Awards Presentation April 5, 2:00-5:00
First: $350
Second: $250
Third: $200
8 Merit Awards: $35 each
Eligibility Requirements
· Open to all current members of Waterloo Watercolor Group. Go to waterloowatercolor.org to join.
Our member show assures each member submitting will have one or more paintings included.
· Artwork must not have been accepted in a previous WWG juried exhibition and completed within the last two years.
· Entries must be original and not copied from another artist’s work, photographs, or publications.
Work produced in classroom or workshop under supervision or collaboration of artist instruction is not eligible.
· Work may not be based on or directly derived from reference materials created or arranged by others, even if with permission, royalty-free or not copyrighted.
· All accepted work must remain at the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
. All work must be hand delivered and picked up at the Gallery.
Media and Substrates
. Watercolor, gouache, acrylics, egg tempera and casein paints as well as watercolor pencils, crayons and water soluble inks are accepted.
. Mediums, gels, gesso and other painting supplements may be used. Pastels, gold and silver leaf are acceptable as long as water-based medium is dominant.
. No water-based oils.
. Collage is acceptable using hand-painted white papers painted with water-based media.
. Acceptable papers/supports include cotton rag, oriental papers, synthetic paper (Yupo), watercolor canvas and any kind of coated paper or board. Waxed watercolors accepted.
How to Enter
· Electronic applications will be accepted beginning February 10 and ending March 14.
· Entry fee of $30 for 1-3 images. Entry fees are non-refundable.
· The submitting artist agrees to the terms and conditions stated in this prospectus, including granting permission to reproduce artists’ work for publicity purposes.
· To submit your electronic application, log in on this page and click Enter This Show.
Image Preparation
· Images should be no less than 800 pixels and at least 1920 pixels on the longest dimension @72 dpi. The file format must be JPG, and it must be under 4 mb. For help with your submissions, contact onlinejuriedshows@gmail.com or 888-666-1351
· Images must not show mat or frame and must be an accurate representation of the artwork.
· Specific details on how to prepare your image can be found at: https://onlinejuriedshows.com/Help.aspx
The quality of the photo is very important as our juror will be choosing awards online and not in person.
· Sales of exhibited artwork is subject to a 30% donation to Bee Cave Arts Foundation
Artists will be notified if a sale is made and will be able to replace it with another painting.
· Artwork marked Not for Sale (NSF) is discouraged.
Presentation of Artwork and Framing
. Mats, if used, must be white, off-white or a pale neutral. A colored liner may be used.
. Acceptable framing materials include metal and non-ornate wood frames in black, white, dark colors, gold silver, bronze, pewter and wood stains. Paintings may be mounted on cradle board with finished edges.
· Acrylic glazing only, no glass. Waxed watercolors are acceptable.
. Framed work must not exceed 42 inches in height or width with a minimum of 10" in either directions.
· Paintings must be secured in a frame and wired with D rings. No saw tooth hangers.
· Label the back of the painting with the artist’s name, title of painting, price and contact information, including phone number.
Limitation of Liability
. Artwork will be handled with all possible care in the handling, transportation, installation of accepted paintings; however, neither Waterloo Watercolor Group or Bee Cave Arts Foundation, will be responsible for any loss or damage.
Quick Tip for entering shows from Lynn Ferris:
When students ask, “How do I decide which painting to enter?” here’s a suggestion I make: Line all of your possibilities up in a room you seldom use. Don’t look at them for a couple of days. Go into the room again when the light is somewhat muted (dusk is a good time). See which painting your eye goes to first. That’s the one I’d choose.
Show Chairs - Contact for assistance or questions
. Rashmi Thakur 631 379-6989 rashmithk@gmail.com
. Helen Green 713 385-0644 helengreen@earthlink.net
February 10, Open for admissions
March 8, Entry deadline
March 14 , Notification of acceptance via email. Results will be available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile.
March 29, 3:00-5:00 Hand deliver accepted entries to Bee Cave Arts Foundation
April 5, 2:00-5:00 Reception and Awards presentation
May 3, Sunday 11:15-1:30 Strike