32nd Annual Red River Watercolor Society National Juried Watermedia Exhibition
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 32nd Annual National Juried Watermedia Exhibition, hosted by the Red River Watercolor Society in partnership with Minnesota State University Moorhead. This event will be held from August 25th to September 19th at the prestigious Diederich Art Gallery at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Our esteemed juror and workshop instructor for this year is Kim Johnson Nechtman.
Kim Johnson
I love to capture life, to use color to express the joy of living combined with the pleasure I get from the medium. As life brings new experiences to me as a person, there’s an exponential increase in confidence to my expression of life through color. I particularly enjoy the challenge of carefully working out a composition without losing spontaneity.
Most of my paints are Daniel Smith, but I also have some Winsor and Newton, Holbein, or M. Graham on my pallet. I paint on 140 lbs cold or rough press paper and it’s usually Arches or Saunders Waterford.
Signature Memberships
American Watercolor Society
National Watercolor Society
Transparent Watercolor Society of America
Watercolor West
San Diego Watercolor Society
Western Federation of Watercolor Societies
Arizona Watercolor Association
Splash 13: Alternative Approaches
Splash 14: Light and Color
Splash 16: Exploring Texture
Splash 17: Inspiring Subjects
Splash 21: Capturing Mood
The Art of Watercolour Magazine (21st Issue)
Pratique des Arts Magazine (No 133)
Art Journey Animals: A Collection of Inspiring Contemporary Masterworks
(North Light Books)
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kim.johnsonnechtman
Website www.kj-art.com
Important Dates:
- March 1: Entry Submission Opening
- May 16: Entry Submission Deadline
- July 1: Notification of Acceptance or Rejection
- August 18: Last date for receipt of Shipped and the date for Hand-Delivered Paintings at MSUM
- August 25: Exhibition opens
- August 25-28: Workshop with Juror Kim Johnson at MSUM
- August 26: Opening Reception (6:00—8 PM), Awards presentation at 7 PM at MSUM
- September 19: Exhibition closes
- September 25: Collection of hand-delivered paintings at MSUM
- September 25: Return of shipped paintings
A free catalog will be provided to all entrants to the exhibition.
Exhibition Awards:
- Gold: $1,200
- Silver: $1,000
- Bronze: $800
- Excellence: $500
- High Water: $500 - Completely transparent watercolor artwork
- Red River Regional: $500 - a prize for people in Fargo/Moorhead or 100 miles of the area
- Distinction: $300
- Merit (5): $100
- Merchandise Awards
- People’s Choice: Future Advertising Image
Entry Requirements:
Entry Eligibility:
- Open to artists 18-years of age and older, working in two-dimensional water media on a single piece of watercolor paper, Yupo or other synthetic paper.
- Original Work Only: No supervised work, class projects, copies of other artists’ work,or work from photographs not created or taken by the artist. No digital images, work generated with or assisted by artificial intelligence or computer assisted imaging is allowed.
- Paintings must have been completed within the last two years and not previously exhibited in RRWS National Exhibitions.
- Minimum painting size, excluding mat: 108 square inches (e.g., 9 x 12, 8 x 14, etc.).
Eligible Materials:
- Acceptable materials include water-soluble media such as transparent or opaque watercolor, varnished watercolor, gouache, casein, egg tempera, water-based ink, water-soluble graphite, and acrylic.
- All entries must be on a single piece of watercolor paper, Yupo or other synthetic paper.
- Entries must be matted and framed. Matting and framing details are provided in “Requirements for Accepted Work”.
Ineligible Materials:
- No pastels, oil pastels, water-based oils, collage, print images, digital images, or reproductions.
- No works on canvas.
Entry Requirements - Digital Image Preparation:
- RRWS has partnered with Online Juried Shows for submission of entries.
- Log in on this page and click Enter this Show to begin your submissions.
- Create an account if needed: https://onlinejuriedshows.com/CreateNewAccount.aspx.
- Complete the entry form in its entirety, listing image size to the nearest inch.
- Upload images as jpeg files, slightly smaller than 4MB, at least 1920 pixels on the longest side, 72 dpi, sRGB color space.
- Contact Online Juried Shows for assistance: onlinejuriedshows@gmail.com or 888-666-1351
- Add Services@OnlineJuriedShows.com and Manager@OnlineJuriedShows.com to your safe senders list in your email application to ensure notifications are received.
- Note on the entry form field if you work is completely transparent watercolor
Exhibition Entry Fees:
- $40: Up to two paintings for non-members
- $30: Up to two paintings for RRWS members (need paid membership in advance to enter at member rate)*
- $25: up to two paintings for RRWS Signature Status members
- $15: Each additional entry (4 entries maximum)
Students can enter up to 2 pieces for a total of $15. Students must email onlinejuriedshows@gmail.com and let them know the college/university they attend.
RRWS Membership (Optional):
- $30 - Annual membership (renewal based on sign-up date)
- Pay your membership via www.RedRiverWS.org before entering your entry at Online Juried Shows.
- Signature Status: Signified by the letters RRWS, awarded after acceptance into a RRWS National Juried Watermedia Exhibition three times over a 10-year period. Continuous paid membership is required (can be paid retroactively).
A Note from OnlineJuriedShows:
Regarding Jury Notifications:
- Notifications are sent from OnlineJuriedShows via Constant Contact
- You will receive an email once the results are ready to view in your artist profile
- On the day of notification:
- Go to OnlineJuriedShows.com and log in using your email address and password.
- Click "Your Artist Profile."
- Click the show name and you will see your first image. The jury results will be under the thumbnail view.
- If you submitted more than one piece in the show, go to the next entered piece in the show by clicking the page number, displayed below the thumbnail image.
- While you are in your account on OnlineJuriedShows.com, click "Personal Info" and make sure your name, address, phone number, and email address are up-to-date.
- Emails will contain instructions and follow-ups.
Requirements for Accepted Work:
Image Resolution:
- Provide a 300 ppi/dpi resolution image of accepted painting via email as directed in the Artist Acceptance Letter
- Image must be in pdf or jpeg file format, labeled as:
- LastName_FirstName_TitleofWork
- The image will be used for the catalog and publicity
- Only clean white mats are required for all submissions
- Beige, cream, or off-white mats will not be accepted
- Thin colored liners no wider than ¼” are acceptable
- Floating and unhinged matting is not acceptable
- To properly showcase the artwork and provide a more cohesive exhibition, there are framing rules. Artwork must be framed and follow RRWS frame requirements. Entries that do not comply with framing criteria will be returned at artist’s expense and disqualified from the exhibition.
- Frames must be:
- Only black or silver wood or metal frames are allowed. Gold, colored, or wood-tone frames will not be accepted
- The face of the frame must be 7/8” inch to 2” inches wide
- Frame measurements cannot exceed 60 inches in any direction
- Simple, flat, non-ornate surface
- Curved frames will not be accepted and frames must have square corners
- Frames must be made of sturdy materials that will withstand shipping and hanging
- Frame must be wired for hanging
- All wooden frames must use "D" rings to attach the wire on the back of the painting
- Sawtooth hangers are not permitted.
- All work must be under plexiglass. Glass is not permitted
- Frame must be sturdy enough to support the artwork without buckling the plexiglass
- Minimum IMAGE size excluding mat: 108 square inches (e.g., 9 x 12, 8 x 14, etc.)
- Instructions will be provided in the Artist Acceptance email
Handling Fees:
- $35: Shipped paintings will incur a handling fee, payable on our website prior to shipping
- Include the return shipping label in an envelope attached to the back of the art on the hanging wire
- If any damage occurs in shipping, you will be contacted immediately. All repairs are for the entrant’s cost and account
- $15: Hand-delivery fee, payable on our website prior to delivery
- All fees must be paid in full prior to acceptance into the following year's exhibition
- A 30% donation to RRWS is requested on sales. The buyer will contact the artist directly.
- Once an image is submitted for entry in RRWS Exhibition, purchase price or not for sale (NFS) designation may not be altered or the artist is banned from entering RRWS Exhibitions for two years.
Painting Withdrawal/Removal:
- Accepted paintings must not be changed from the submitted digital entry, nor may paintings be withdrawn once accepted, or the artist is banned from entering RRWS Exhibitions for two years.
- Work may not be removed from the gallery until the close of the exhibition.