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Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

The Bristol Art Museum
Visions-BAM Members’ Juried Biennial Exhibition

Bristol Art Museum Announces

2024 Members’ Juried Exhibition


Online Submission Deadline September 29, @ 11:59pm
On View: Sunday, November 3 – Friday, November 29, 2024
Artists' Reception: Sunday, November 3, 2:00-4:00pm


Juror: Nancy Gaucher-Thomas

The Bristol Art Museum invites you to participate in Visions: BAM Members’ Biennial Exhibition, a dynamic showcase featuring the artistic talents of BAM's members, ranging from emerging to established artists. Join us in celebrating the vibrant arts community that surrounds us, as we come together to appreciate local and regional artworks and the creative minds behind them. Please carefully review the following prospectus for eligibility and entry details.

Nancy Gaucher-Thomas - Statement: The process of painting is much more than recording the obvious. Simply put, my work is my personal interaction with and visual interpretation of a person or thing. The goal of which is to push past the surface of materials and technique used in the process of creating, in an effort to convey a personal vision.

More than technique, it is how we as artists, interpret our own personal vision through our medium that elevates an ordinary subject into a work of art, one that resonates long after. I feel strongly in the versatility and flexibility of the medium and go to great lengths to push the medium in directions that may not be considered characteristic to traditional watercolor.



·         Open to BAM member artists 18 years of age or older.

·         Active Museum membership is required for all entrants. Memberships may be purchased at the time of submission (

·         Submitted work must be original

·         Entries previously displayed at BAM will not be accepted.

·         All artworks must be appropriately framed and ready for display; sawtooth hangers are not permitted.

·         2-D Work: Maximum dimensions of 36’’ x 40’’.

·         3-D Work: Maximum weight of 40 lbs.

·         Artwork may not be removed until the close of the exhibition.


·         Entry Information: Up to 3 entries per artist

1 entry for $20 • 2 entries for $30 • 3 entries for $40

Image files must be jpg, under 4 mb, and in sRGB colorspace. For best results, images should be at least 1920 pixels on the longest side @ 72 dpi.

For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351

·        Online Submission Deadline: Sunday September 29 at 11:59pm

·         Hand Delivery of accepted artworks: Thursday Oct 24 & Friday October 25, 12:30 – 3:30pm

·         End of Exhibit Art Pick-up Window: Saturday November 30 & Sunday Dec 1, 12:30-3:30pm

o   Submission and Pick-Up times are non-negotiable, no exceptions.


Art Sales: The Museum does not take a commission on sales.

Artists may offer their works for sale, with all transactions negotiated directly between the artist and the collector.

The Museum will provide collectors with the artist's contact information.

Alternatively, artists may label an entry as NFS (Not for Sale).

We look forward to showcasing the richness and diversity of our members' artistic expressions. Your participation contributes to the vitality of our local arts community, and we thank you for being an integral part of the Bristol Art Museum's creative tapestry.


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