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Northeast Michigan Center for Fine Arts, Inc. (Art in the Loft)
Food for Thought: the art of food

Introducing the 9th Annual Juried Art Show entitled

FOOD for THOUGHT: the art of food

Opening September 25, 2024


Call to Artists for Submissions

Submission Period: July 11th - September 7th (11:59pm), 2024

Accepted Artwork Delivery: September 16th – September 21st, 2024 (10am-4pm)

In-Gallery Exhibition Dates: September 25th – November 7th , 2024

Opening/Awards Reception: September 25th, 2024 6pm-8pm


About the Juror:



Exhibit Awards:

BEST of SHOW: At the Opening Reception, the artist whose work is juried as ‘Best of Show’ by the juror will receive a full year of exhibition space. This is good only for the WinterView 2024 and SummerView 2025 exhibits at Art in the Loft. Best of Show also includes a $300 cash prize.

Second Place: At the Opening Reception, the artist whose work is juried ‘Second Place’ by the juror will receive a $200.00 cash prize.

Third Place: At the Opening Reception, the artist whose work is juried ‘Third Place’ by the juror will receive a $100.00 cash prize.

People’s Choice: The artist whose work is voted ‘Best’ by attendees during the show will receive a $50 gift certificate.



If accepted, your work will be on display in our beautiful and unique 7,000 square foot loft gallery. Located on the third floor of the historic Center Building and overlooking downtown Alpena. Art in the Loft is Northeast Michigan’s hub for arts and creative learning. We host a full schedule of visual and culinary art classes, and work in conjunction with local schools to facilitate programs that bring area students to learn in our gallery.

To get more information and to see our gallery, feel free to visit during our regular hours at no cost, and speak with our friendly and helpful staff. Art in the Loft is free and available to the public all thanks to our many members and sponsors.


Show Details

Theme: FOOD for THOUGHT: the art of food

It is a physical necessity for survival, yet its overall significance transcends beyond mere fuel. It is integral to our communities, relationships, cultures and languages. People interact with it on varying levels. Some of us grow it; more of us buy it. We transform it by cutting, cooking it and garnishing it. We use it to connect with others whether it be the holidays, work, first dates, births and even deaths. We fight over it and we celebrate over it.

It tells a story over generations, and we can’t wait for our artists to now tell those through their work….


Art in the Loft presents….


the art of food

A Juried Art Exhibit


This exhibition is open to all functional, non-functional, 2D, 3D, fine art, and fine craft in ALL MEDIUMS and ALL STYLES. Work must depict food to be considered. Works can include other objects, but the focal point/subject of the work should focus on a food element.

Artworks may include cooked food, prepared food, cooking, growing food, fruits & vegetables, food in process (such as preparing meals or farming), eating food, and more.

We want our patron’s mouths to water as they walk around our gallery and their hearts to be full as they think of food traditions, food cultures, and the simple fact that food brings us all together. Everybody eats!


ELIGIBILITY: This call for submission is open to all artists. This is a juried exhibition for artists working in all media including: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Photography, Pastel, Drawing, Print, Mixed Media, Sculpture, Assemblage, Installation, Fabric, and Film. For film entries, contact for entry instructions. All artwork must be original in concept, design and execution, and created within the last 3 years. Note: Crafts, kit work or reproductions of original works in other media, unless used as part of a mixed media work, will not be considered.


JUDGING: All judging will be on-line. Entries that differ significantly from their digital images may be rejected. Decision of the juror is final. Exhibit Awards are selected in-person once show is on display.


SUBMISSIONS and FEES: $35 for the first entry. $10 for each additional, with a maximum of three (3) total. All entries must be registered/received by 11:59pm, September 7, 2024. All entry fees are non-refundable.

Sculpture and installations: artists may use two additional images for details, at no extra charge. Contact if you need them.



Entry form must be filled out in its entirety. List sizes up to the nearest inch. Submitted images must not include matting or frame. Crop the photos to include only the artwork. Be sure your images are right-side-up.

Before uploading your images, make sure they are smaller than 4MB, but at least 1920 pixels on the longest side at 72 dpi. Images should be in JPEG format, sRGB color space. Help in photographing your work and properly sizing your images can be found at: If you need help entering your images or are unable to, please contact us at or 888-666-1351.

Please add and to your safe senders list to ensure notifications are received.



1. All work must be suitably framed and gallery ready.

2. Work must be wired and ready for hanging.

3. Sculptors may provide their own pedestals or must agree to use those provided by the gallery.

4. A label must be affixed to the back of the work that indicates which end is the top and includes the following: Artist Name, Title, Medium, Dimensions, and Price. This information must correspond with the Accepted image as listed on Notification form. No artwork may be substituted.

5. Diptychs and triptychs will be considered as one entry but must be sold as one item.

6. Work cannot be withdrawn, nor sales shipped, before the end of the exhibit.



1. Work can be hand delivered to Art in the Loft at 109 N. 2 nd Ave. Suite 300, Alpena, MI. 49707 and unpacked between September 16th – September 21st or another pre-arranged time. A time must be RSVP’d if delivering in person.

2. All work not able to be hand-delivered as noted above should be shipped to arrive at Art in the Loft gallery address 109 N. 2 ndAve. Suite 300, Alpena, MI. 49707 also by September 21, 2024. If work needs to be shipped back to artist after exhibition, a credit card must be put on file with gallery.


LATE ARRIVAL AND RETURNS: Art in the Loft reserves the right to reject and return work that is late, is deemed unstable upon arrival, is not properly presented, or differs from the submitted digital image. Returns will be solely at the artist’s expense.


SALES, COMMISSIONS AND DELIVERY: Art in the Loft will retain a 35% commission on all exhibition sales. The price represented on the artist entry form will be the sale price. Sold works will remain on display until the end of the exhibition.


LIABILITY: Art in the Loft is not responsible for any damage, breakage, replacement or cost associated with any damage or breakage that may have occurred during transport or unpacking. Every precaution will be taken in handling the entries, but Art in the Loft assumes no liability for any loss or damage to any artist’s work while in our care, custody or control, before, during or after the exhibition.


USE OF IMAGES: Any image submitted may be used for marketing and promotional purposes directly related to this show. This use may include publication in any publications, printed materials, advertisements, or electronic media. Copyright and all other rights remain that of the artist.


CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Please direct all questions to or by calling (989) 356-4877. For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351.

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