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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment
Central Coast Reflections

Call for Entries - Scape Members Only Show


Exhibition Title: Central Coast Reflections


Entry Dates: *JULY 7 - SEPTEMBER 1 2024 THIS WILL NOT BE EXTENDED  closes 12:00 am PST

Please save this and read it for times and qualifications.


Exhibition Dates: *September  13,14 2024  Friday and Saturday  



of Acceptance: *September 8, 2024 results will be available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile

Artists entry and acceptance in to this show give SCAPE permission to use your name and images of your entered art for show publicity.


Location: *Music Academy Of The West, Layman Hall - 1070 Fairway Rd.Santa Barbara Ca 93108


Qualifications: *Open to all current members of SCAPE. To join SCAPE, go to

  Paintings must be for sale no nfs .

*All works must be original, not copied from other sources such as publications, Instructor reference materials, in-classes or workshops.

  *Photo references must be from the artist’s own photograph or with written permission from the photographer

  *All Landscapes and seascapes from areas of Santa Barbara County 

  *All styles of painting are accepted — no painting on photography.


Subject: *Allowed in this Show, paintings that explore our ecology, may include people and the flora and fauna and architecture 

 If it is not within the parameters of SCAPE mission it will not be accepted.

 Your SCAPE Board Committee will decide this.


Medium: *Paintings in Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, Watercolor and Mixed Media are accepted.

*Digital work, photography, and sculpture are not accepted.


Dimensions: *Nothing larger than 60 inches on the largest side


Beneficiary: *


Commission: *50% to artist, 35% beneficiary  and 15% to SCAPE

Your participation in social media marketing will help to sell your work, so please advertise the show on your Web site, face book, instagram


Entry Form: *Entry form is on OnlineJuriedShows. Log in on this prospectus page and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions

*Help including instructional videos is provided on the online juried shows web site. For additional assistance, contact or 888-666-1351.

*Image files must be jpg, under 4 mb, and sRGB colorspace. For best results, images should be at least 1920 pixels on the longest side @ 72 dpi.

*Don’t forget to Pay for your entry fee or it will not be included in the jurying process.


Entry Fee: *Entry fee paid at time of submission through Online Juried Shows

$25 for first entry and $12 each additional for up to 5 entries total

*Submission fees are non-refundable.


Sales: *Sales will be handled by SCAPE with tax collected and paid.       



Awards:                         First Place                    Ribbon             $300

                                    Second Place                Ribbon             $200

                                    Third Place                   Ribbon             $100

                                    Honorable Mention 3     Ribbon             $75

                                    Juror’s Choice               Ribbon             $100

                                    Beneficiaries  Choice     Ribbon             $Gift bag from Explore Ecology


Publicity: *Multiple venues for advertising this show will be provided and by you on your social media sites


Juror: TBD   


Time line: Entries  July 2 - Sept 1  no extensions or changes after the 1st.

Letters of acceptance and Declines    September 8  (aprox)

Take in of art Friday  September 13  10- 11:30 

Show opening on the 13   at 2:30

Reception     Friday   13  5-6:30

Closing at 7

Saturday  September 14   opening at 11  closing at 4

Take down is from 4-5   a ck out will be in place at 1 exit

Paintings not picked up by then will be sold to the highest bidder !


Questions: *Karen Glancy, Exhibitions Chair, SCAPE

Phone 805-444-7848 ( leave a message  )


Please use subject line “SCAPE Show Question


fb - scape artists painting for the environment


For help with your submissions, contact or 888-666-1351

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