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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Golden Lotus Foundation
2024 Asian Heritage Center Fine Art Competition



In December 2021, Colorado Springs City Parks partnered with the Golden Lotus Foundation (GLF) and acquired 8.48 acres former Stratton land/PEO Chapter House at 1819 W Cheyenne Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 designated by the Colorado Springs City Council as The Asian Heritage Center. This is a lovely place already used on a limited basis but funds are needed to ensure the vision, to include asian gardens and a tea house, is realized.  This art exhibition and sale is to raise funds to ensure the wonderful lily pond that artists have enjoyed painting for years is maintained and accessible to the public.  This will be an online only show and juried competition.  Reproduction of artwork images for all entries in this contest may be used by the Asian Heritage Center/Golden Lotus Foundation without further consent of or notification to the artist or the artist’s agent for promotion and fund raising. 


Exhibition will be entirely virtual, and will be featured for sale on from September 24, 2024 - November 30, 2024.


Entry Dates: July 1 - September 3, 2024


Eligibility:  This contest is open to all artists internationally.  All original art by the entrant created using any medium that can be displayed on digital images may be accepted.  Images generated by artificial intelligence are not eligible.


Entry Fees: $37 for your first entry, and $10 each for each additional entry. 


Format for Digital Images (jpegs) and how to send them

All entries must be submitted in digital JPEG format and under 4mb. Image files should be in sRGB colorsspace. 
Winners of this contest will be required to submit higher definition image files (at least 5mb) for reproduction on calendars, prints, cards and other products that will be used to raise funds for the Asian Heritage Center.

Please take a photo of your artwork with a digital camera and ensure it is cropped to contain only your artwork, not mats or frames.  Image quality is critical! Remember, this is an online exhibition!! For best results, images should be 1920 pixels (min 800) on the longest side @72 dpi. 

If you need help with your submissions, email or call 888-666-1351.


OnlineGalleryShows:  Accepted pieces will be featured for sale on  All sold artwork will be shipped directly by the artist to the buyer, unframed and with shipping included in the price within the Continental US.  Please factor the cost of shipping into your prices when entering your work.


A 20% commission will be taken by OnlineGalleryShows on all sold work.  The artist will be notified by OGS of confirmed sale, and the artist must ship the sold artwork within 7 days of notification.  Artists will receive their commission after the close of the show, and upon notification of acceptance of artwork by the buyer.



Juror:  Lorraine Danzo was born and educated in New York City. She graduated from Pratt institute and taught at Montclair college in New Jersey and at the New York State university in Staten Island.  After moving to Colorado she taught and exhibited at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and at galleries in Taos, Santa fe, and Sedona. Currently her paintings are shown at Gallery 45 Degree and Cacao Chemistry in Colorado Springs and various venues in Colorado.  Lorraine brings her expertise in many medias, her incredible enthusiasm and her generous spirit.


Awards:  will be announced mid September 2024.


First Place:  $800


Second Place:  $400


Third Place:  $200


Forth through Twelfth Place:  $50


Top 12 winners’ high resolution images may be included in a calendar, prints and/or greeting cards that will be sold online and by local retailers.  Each of these winners will receive a calendar and may purchase additional copies at a reduced price.  




Calendar of Events

Entry Opening:  July 1, 2024

Entry Deadline:  September 3, 2024

Notification Date:  September 10, 2024

Award Notification:  September 12, 2024

Winners’ submission of high resolution images:  September 16, 2024

Exhibition Open:  September 24, 2024

Exhibition Close:  November 30, 2024






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