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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Northwest Pastel Society
Northwest Pastel Society 2024 Members Show

Northwest Pastel Society  

2024 Members Show 

Sept 27 – Nov 10, 2024 

Childhood’s End Gallery

222 4th Ave W, Olympia, WA 98501


Juror and Judge:

Kim Lordier


$3000 in Cash and Merchandise Awards


Entries accepted:

June 17 – July 28, 2024




This is a live exhibition gallery show for current (2024) Northwest Pastel Society (NPS) members. The following eligibility rules aim to foster positive relations with our galleries thus ensuring that we can continue to have in-person exhibitions. Please read and follow all eligibility rules laid out in this prospectus.


All artwork is to be executed in dry pastel (hard to soft pure pigment pastels, not oil pastels). Mixed media pieces must be 80% predominately pure pigment (dry) pastel. 


All artwork must be original in concept and completed within the past 3 years. No collaborative work. No instructor-assisted workshop or classroom work. No instructor reference photos may have been used. 


Work exhibited in previous NPS exhibits is not eligible, nor are works that have won an award in any other international or national art show or exhibition.


Work must be originally drawn, not drawn by digital projection or created on top of a base photo/print. Accepted paintings must be identical to the digital entry. No substitutions or copies are allowed. 


Artwork must be produced without AI assistance, unless the sole source of training data is the artist’s own artwork and/or photograph used for reference purposes. AI generated images may not be entered.


All entries must be for sale and realistically priced.


No late entries will be accepted.


Framed work cannot exceed 36x48.” Minimum frame size is 12x12.”


No minimum artwork size.


All accepted artwork must be framed, professional in appearance and ready to hang with strong wire and flat metal hangers. An acid-free mat, when used, must be proximal to the pastel painting’s surface (not painted on the pastel painting’s support board), and clear of any pastel dust. Float mount of the pastel painting on acid-free mat board is permitted. NPS or Childhood’s End Gallery may refuse to hang accepted work that does not meet professional standards.


Accepted artwork may not be included in any other show between show entry and closing dates. Childhood End’s Gallery will be entitled to a 40% commission on sales between show entry and up to 2 weeks after show closing.


Submission of Entries:  


Enter online on Log in on this page and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions.   


Members may submit up to 3 paintings with one painting guaranteed to be included, provided that it meets the eligibility criteria. 


Submitted images must NOT include matting or frame. Crop the photos to include only the artwork. Be sure that your images are right-side-up.  List size to the nearest inch.  For best results, make sure your image is at least 1920 pixels @72 dpi on the longest side. Images should be in JPEG format, under 4 mb, and sRGB color space.


Entry form must be filled out in its entirety. No changes to entries will be allowed after entry deadline.


Entry into this exhibition constitutes agreement with all conditions set forth in this prospectus and Entry Form and is your commitment to participate.  


Your entry form is a legal and binding contract to deliver artwork that has been entered into this show. If an entrant chooses not to deliver artwork, they will not be allowed to enter an NPS show for a period of two years. 


For help with your submissions, contact or 888-666-1351




Entry fee is $40 for up to 3 images. 

Entry fee is nonrefundable and must be paid by the entry deadline.  


Delivery of Accepted Artwork:


Deliver accepted framed artwork directly to Childhood’s End Gallery on Sept 23-24, 2024, between 10 am and 6 pm. 


Alternatively, NPS will announce regional drop-off locations to pool deliveries. NPS or NPS volunteers accept NO liability in delivering another member’s artwork.


Members may choose to ship their artwork directly to the gallery at their own expense and liability. Return shipment of unsold artworks is at the expense of the member artist. Please include a return shipment label with delivery.




All reasonable care will be taken with submissions. NPS, NPS officers, NPS volunteers, Childhood’s End Gallery, and Online Juried Shows shall not be held responsible for the loss and/or damage to paintings, shipping, or digital entries.  


NPS suggests that participants carry separate insurance as provided under individual contracts with shippers and receiving agents.




Participating members are asked to personally promote this exhibition. A digital postcard will be made available.  


Participating artists grant permission to NPS, Childhood’s End Gallery and show sponsors to reproduce work for publicity and promotional purposes, both in print and digital galleries. Copyright will be attributed to the artist. 




A 40% commission will be collected by the Childhood’s End Gallery on all sales of accepted artwork between show entry and 2 weeks after show closing. 


Important Dates:  


Entries accepted June 17 - July 28, 2024 

Deadline for entry: Midnight on July 28, 2024 

Acceptance notices available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile: August 6

Delivery window at Childhood’s End Gallery: Monday-Tuesday, Sept 23-24, 10 am – 6 pm

Show Opens: Sept 27, 2024 at 10 am

Artist Awards Reception: Sept 28 at 12:00 pm 

Olympia Arts Walk: Oct 4-5

Show Ends: Nov 10, 2024 at 6 pm

Pick-up unsold paintings: Nov 12-14, 2024, 10 am – 6 pm




This show will be juried and judged by Kim Lordier, PSA, PSWC-DP, CAC, LPAPA.

Award Categories: 

BEST OF SHOW ($1000) 



NPS Memorial – JAYNE QUIG AWARD ($250) 


5 Honorable Mention Awards 


 Workshop Opportunity:


Kim Lordier and NPS are offering a 3-day workshop “Simplify for Strength” immediately preceding the opening of the 2024 Members Show, Sept 25-27, 2024, from 10 am – 4 pm. The workshop will be located at the Olympia Center, one block north and east of the gallery. The workshop will be open to 16 participants. A list of potential accommodations will be provided with workshop details.


Show Co-Chairs: 


Jan Carlton,; cell: 360-701-5349

 Megan Veldee, NPS,; cell: 425-463-6991

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