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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Rental Sales Gallery, Portland Art Museum
Spring Members Show 2024

Rental Sales Gallery

1237 SW 10th Ave

Portland, OR 97205




RSG Member Artists Spring Show 2024 Prospectus



Rental Sales Gallery, Portland Art Museum is pleased to invite our Member Artists to submit to the upcoming Spring Show 2024, which will open to the public at the Gallery on Friday, April 26th 2024


Eligibility: Rental Sales Gallery Member Artists only.


Exhibition Details: Please submit 3 original works for our Spring Show, which opens on Friday, April 26th. Digital images need not include the frame unless you feel it enhances the overall presentation, but all works must be ready to hang for the show.


Calendar: Submissions can be made through the period Friday, February 16th - Friday, March 8th. The deadline is at midnight. Notification of works accepted will occur on Wednesday, March 20th with the results available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile. Framed, ready to hang artworks are to be delivered to the Gallery by Tuesday, April 16th. Any pieces delivered after this date may not be included in the initial hang for the opening event on Friday, April 26th, 4-7pm, and the show will run until the end of June. 


Submissions: Submissions are made through A link will be sent out the day before the submissions process opens. If you have any issues uploading your pieces or are dealing with website glitches, please contact Randi Sugarman at or 888-666-1351 for assistance and uploading your works for you. If you are ready to begin, log in here and click Enter This Show.


Image files must be jpg and under 4 mb. For best results, image files should be 1920 pixels on the longest side (min 800) @ 72 dpi. Please note: if you do not see your images on the screen after completing your upload, during your review, and on your receipt, the upload was not successful. Please contact Randi Sugarman at the email address/phone number above if you do not see your images on the screen and they do not appear on your receipt.


Voluntary Donations: A donation to help with administrative costs of the submission process would be gratefully received, but it is not required. Donation options available  are $0, $10, $15 or $20. The payment option will appear at the end of the submission process. After you review your entries you'll be taken to the fee page. If you don’t continue to the payment options you can just click to print a copy of your receipt and not donate. The receipt will show all of your entries. If you do continue to the payment options, your receipt will generate after payment is complete showing all current entries and your payment. Please contact or 888-666-1351 if you have any questions or trouble. Donations can also be received by check if that is your preference, with checks made out to “Rental Sales Gallery, PAM”. All donations are entirely voluntary and are not required for your work to be considered for jurying.


Jurors: As with previous Shows, the jury is composed of the Gallery Manager, Gallery Supervisor, experienced Rental Sales Gallery volunteers and Member Artists.


Categories: Most mediums are accepted, excepting jewelry, fragile glass and unframed tapestry. The Gallery cannot accommodate large framed glass pieces (larger than 32” on one side), works larger than 7' on one side or works 6' x 6' or larger on both sides. The Gallery is currently looking for various sized works. Up to 3 submissions are allowed and 1 or 2 works may be accepted.


Sales: Rental Sales Gallery will take 50% of the work’s value for a sale and 50% of the rental fee, as per the updated artist agreement.


Disclaimer: Rental Sales Gallery may choose to use your images on our website or our social media. Image files used for this purpose will not be large enough to reproduce for resale.


For More Information: If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Mark Tindle, Gallery Manager at or on 503-276-4382.  For help with anything related to OnlineJuriedShows, please contact or 888-666-1351



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