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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Laguna Plein Air Painters Association
2024 Call for Signature Members

PROSPECTUS for Signature Membership Submission


TITLE2024 Call for LPAPA Signature Members 

LPAPA Signature Members are professional artists established in their careers, and recognized for their ability and experience in the technique of painting on location. Signature Members are recognized members in the art community for their superior work. 

Signature Members receive all Artist Membership benefits plus Signature Members are eligible to: 

·       Invitation to submit work for annual call for artwork for the Signature Showcase at the LPAPA Gallery 

·       Invitation to be featured Signature Member at the gallery with website and e-news recognition 

·       Expanded Signature Member profile on LPAPA website and administrative assistance with Directory listing 

·       Participate as Instructors in LPAPA education programs, including LPAPA Workshops, Mentor Sessions, Mentor Paint-Outs, Plein Talks, Painting Demonstration, Video or live-streamed lessons and studio tours 


QUALIFICATIONSOpen to all professional plein air artists 


SUBJECT MATTEROnline artwork submission is open to all subject matters providing the best representation of the artist’s skills as a plein air artist 


DEADLINESubmit no later than 11:59 pm on Monday, June 10, 2024 


ART ELIGIBILITYSubmissions must not violate copyright laws 

·       Submit eight (8) images of plein air work and two (2) images of studio work; must identify each submission as plein air or studio (work does not need to be for sale) 

·       Submit bio and/or curriculum vitae (upload to your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile under Bio/Statement/Password or email to; please include plein air events you have participated in, awards received, and/or published recognition for your work, etc. 


HOW TO APPLY: Submit jpeg paintings under 4 mb images for jury review via For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351.


ENTRY FEENon-refundable entry fee: Current LPAPA Members $45.00; Non-Members $75.00, paid through OnlineJuriedShows 


NOTIFICATIONSNotifications will be sent to artists via email on or around Monday, June 24, 2024, after jurying is completed 


QUESTIONS OR NEED ASSISTANCEPlease contact LPAPA’s Executive Co-Director Bonnie Langner by email or mobile (925) 683-8374 or LPAPA’s President Toni Kellenberg by email or mobile (949) 291-0882 





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