2024 North Carolina Statewide Pastel Exhibition
On Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea
June 7-29, 2024
Eno Arts Mill--Hillsborough, NC
Juror/Judge, Doug Dawson
• Best in Show $1000
• First Place $800
• Second Place $650
• Third Place $550
• Herb Slapo Award
• Honorable Mentions and Awards of Excellence
The North Carolina Statewide Juried Pastel Exhibition is a collaboration of three pastel societies: The Appalachian Pastel Society (APS), the Pastel Society of North Carolina (PSNC) and the Piedmont Pastel Society (PPS). Our mission is to inspire artists, enhance the public’s appreciation for the lasting value and beauty of the medium of soft pastels, and establish North Carolina as an emerging cultural market. The 2024 show is hosted by the Pastel Society of North Carolina. The exhibition this year will be held at Eno Mills Art Center, Hillsborough, NC.
This call requires membership in one of the three North Carolina pastel societies at the time of the show. You do not have to be a North Carolina resident to become a member.
To join, or renew your membership, please click on one of the following links:
· www.appalachianpastelsociety.org (mountain region)
· www.pastelsocietyofnc.com (eastern region) or
· www.piedmontpastelsociety.org (central region).
Doug Dawson has received awards from Pastel Society of America, American Watercolor Society, Knickerbocker Artists, National Academy of Western Art, South Eastern Pastel Society, Pastel Society of West Coast, Pastel Society of New Mexico, Audubon Artists, Kansas Pastel Society, Pastel Society of the Southwest, and International Association of Pastel Societies. He was declared" Master Pastelest" by the Pastel Society of America. He is a member the Master Circle of the International Association of Pastel Societies and he is in the Pastel Society of America's Hall of Fame.
He has exhibited in over 14 museums and been in over 40 books and magazine. He wrote a book, "Capturing light and Color with Pastel.”
Doug will teach a three-day workshop at Eno Arts Mill June 5-7, 2024. Workshop information and registration links are on the PSNC website home page, www.pastelsocietyofnc.com.
Online entries open on Onlinejuriedshows.com February 1, 2024
Online Entry Deadline April 15, 2024 (midnight)
Notice of Acceptance Sent April 30, 2024
Artists will view the results in their OnlineJuriedShow.com Artist Profile
Shipped work due at Eno Arts Mill May 20-June 3
Hand-delivery of artwork to Eno Arts Mill June 3-4, 2024, 12-5 pm
Opening Reception at Eno Arts Mill at 6:30 pm June 7, 2024
Exhibition Final Day June 29, 2024
Hand pick up of artwork at Eno Arts Mill TBD
• 80% of the exposed surface must be dry pastel. No oil pastels.
• Size limitation is 46”x72” vertical. Oversized work will not be hung.
• Must be entirely the work of the artist and not copied from other artists’ work, photos or publications.
• Must not have been done under supervision (as in a workshop or class).
• Must not have been exhibited before, or reworked from one exhibited before in a Statewide show. If a painting entered is found to have been in a previous Statewide show, it will not be allowed in this show, and the artist will be denied eligibility to enter Statewide shows for two years.
• The digital image used for the entry process must represent the finished painting. If a painting is received that has been reworked since the entry process, it will not be allowed in the show.
• Paintings must have been completed within the last five years.
• Must not be glazed with a finished surface of mae acrylic, resin, or solvent varnish.
• This exhibition requires membership in one of the three North Carolina pastel societies at the time of the show. You do not have to be a North Carolina resident to become a member. (To join or renew, see information and website links above.)
• Entrants must provide a shipping address within the continental United States if such entrant wins a “product” award. Such awards will not be shipped out of the continental United States.
• $35 for up to two images and $10 additional each for a maximum of four.
• Entry fees are non-refundable.
ENTRY PROCESS begins Thursday, February 1, 2024
• ONLINE ENTRY ONLY at www.onlinejuriedshows.com
• Log in and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions (or create a user account and return to this page).
• JPEG format
• 72 dpi, set at 1920 pixels on longest side, file size under 4 MB (If your image file is larger than 4 MB when saved as a JPEG with those specifications, save it again at a slightly lower “JPEG quality”, which will increase the compression and reduce the file size).
• No file naming restriction
• Images must not show mat, frame, etc. and must be an accurate representation of the artwork.
• For help, go to www.onlinejuriedshows.com/help.aspx. If you need more help, email onlinejuriedshows@gmail.com or call 888-666-1351.
• If an accepted painting is not delivered to the show, that artist will be denied eligibility to Statewide shows for two years. Entry fees will not be refunded.
Artists are responsible for providing their own shipping costs and insurance to and from Eno Arts Mill. All artwork will be insured upon receipt and until picked up from Eno Arts Mill by the artist, a representative, or a shipper. Insurance does not cover structural issues with artwork (failed wiring, frame structure, hinge mounting, etc.)
All reasonable care will be taken in the handling, transportation, storing and installation of accepted paintings. Eno Arts Mill and PSNC do not accept liability for damage or loss during transportation.
Eno Arts Mill
437 Dimmocks Hill Rd., Ste. 17
Hillsborough, NC 27278
• Professionally framed under glass or acrylic.
• If mats are used, they must be white or off-white. Paintings framed with colored mats will not be hung.
• Ready to hang, with flat hooks and strong wire. No sawtooth hangers or clip frames.
• PSNC reserves the right to refuse any painting that does not meet professional gallery standards.
• Artwork must be labeled on the back with the artist’s name and contact information.
Packing and shipping materials should also be labeled.
Delivery and pickup instructions, packing suggestions and labels will be sent to those
accepted to the show.
• Price may not be changed after submission.
• Eno Arts Mill will receive a 40% commission from sales.
• Eno Arts Mill will administer the sales of paintings and payment to the artists.
• All artwork must be for sale.
• Catalog information and gallery tags will be produced directly from your entry. Spelling, price, and capitals in names and titles will be exactly as you type them. Please enter your information accordingly.
• No painting may be removed before the end of the exhibition.
• Buyers must pick up the paintings at the end of the exhibition or arrange and pay for shipping.
Entry fee is paid online through PayPal or credit card on www.onlinejuriedshows.com when completing submission process.
As a condition of entry to the 2024 NC Statewide Juried Pastel Exhibition, the submitting artist agrees to the terms and conditions stated herein, including granting permission to the three NC Pastel Societies and Eno Arts Mill to reproduce the accepted paintings on their websites, for advertising and promotional purposes only. No images will be used or published for any other use by the listed organizations.
We look forward to seeing your beautiful artwork!
For questions about the exhibition, contact Daphne Boder, daphneboder@gmail.com. For questions about the workshop, contact Diff Whitmore, diffwhitmore710@aol.com or Daphne Boder. For help with your submissions, contact onlinejuriedshows@gmail.com or 888-666-1351.