Calling All Photographers
Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc.
“From the Heart Juried Photo Exhibition 2024”
“From the Heart Juried Photography Exhibition” is the eleventh annual exhibition presented by the Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. and is hosted by the City of Port St. Lucie Mid Florida Credit Union Event Center. This photography exhibition is a sponsored event and is being conducted in support of the ARC of the Treasure Coast, a 501c3 organization on the Treasure Coast.
Their mission is to empower children and adults with Intellectual/Developmental (I/DD) and other related disabilities to achieve their fullest potential through state-of-the-art programs and services that offer: Advocacy, Opportunities, Education, Choices, Vocational, Behavioral, and Community Living Supports along with Family Supports and Referrals.
ARC of the Treasure Coast provides community support thru their ABLE After School Program to dream big, work with dignity, take pride in themselves, live independently in their community, and do it all at their own pace to achieve their fullest potential. Arc achieves this by empowering children and adults to achieve their fullest potential thru state-of-the-art residential, vocational, educational, behavioral, and health-related programs and services that ensure choices, opportunities, advocacy, and family support. ARC of the Treasure Coast provides community support thru their ABLE After School Program, Camp ABLE Summer Camp, Personal Support and Companion Services, Rehabilitation Therapy Services, Adult Training Program, Supported Living, Community Inclusion Services, Transportation, and Pragmatic Behavioral Health Services.
“Inspiring Success Through a Lifetime of Achievements!”
For more information go to:

Important Dates
12/26/23 – 2/13/24 Online digital submissions
2/23/24 Notifications of acceptance or non-acceptance via email. Results will be available in your OnlineJuriedShows artist profile
3/22/24 Last day to receive approved shipments
3/25/24 Turn-in of Juror approved photos at Port St. Lucie Mid Florida Events Center
9:00am – 5:00pm
3/28/24 Opening Reception & Awards ceremony at Port St. Lucie Mid Florida Events
Center 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
3/29 -4/25/24 Exhibition open to public Monday thru Friday 8:30 am -4:15 pm
4/26/24 Pickup photographs at Port St. Lucie Mid Florida Events Center 9:00 am – 6:00pm
14 Cash Awards in 4 Categories, 1 Special Award, plus Best In Show, Totaling $2000.00
Best In Show:------------------ $500.00
1st Place in Each Category:-- $200.00
2nd Place in Each Category:--$100.00
3rd Place in Each Category:---- $50.00
One Special Award:------------$100.00
A number of Honorable Mention ribbons could also be awarded at the discretion of the judge.
All Categories Subject to Digital Submission Guidelines and All entries must be taken by the photographer. Images created by text to image AI are not allowed.
Animals: This category includes all kinds of animals. They can be photographs of pets - dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, amphibian - as well as photos of wildlife, zoo life, farm/domesticated animals and even insects. The animal is to be the primary subject of the photograph.
Flora/Landscape: Photographs in this category include landscapes, outdoor scenic, nature images, sunrise/sunsets, seascapes, farms and gardens - to name a few. The images showcase outdoor beauty.
People: This category encompasses photographs of people in all walks of life - parenting and family, children, baby, couples and relationships, model/fashion, people engaged in outdoor activities, etc. The person(s) must be the primary subject of the photograph.
Open: This category will include photos that do not fit into any of the other categories. This category can be used for unrestricted creative license, images drastically altered in software like Photoshop. The basic image must be photographic in origin, not a graphic design or generated through text to image AI. Images can be of any subject matter and can be composed of any number of photographic images/layers, to include composites, and stitched panoramas. This category also includes architectural subjects, cityscapes, urban scapes and still life.
All amateur and professional photographers may enter.
Digital Submission Guidelines
* Entries cannot have the photographer's name or watermark on the submitted images. Images with the photographer's name or watermark will be rejected.
*By entering your images, you confirm that you are the sole creator, originator, and copyright holder of the photograph.
* Each photographer may submit (via digital upload) up to seven (7) photographs in each category to the jurying panel for review and scoring.
* A non-refundable entry fee of $20 (for TCPC, Inc. members in good standing through the duration of the show) and $25 (for non-members) will be charged for each uploaded photograph.
* Color, B&W or monotone images are acceptable.
* Nudes, pornographic or deemed inappropriate subject matter will not be accepted.
* If the photo contains a recognizable person, especially children, a model release must be made available, if requested upon sale.
* Each image entered may be submitted in only one category.
* Photographs previously submitted to “From the Heart Juried Photo Exhibition” but not accepted for hanging and Judges Review are eligible to be entered again.
* All photographs must be for sale.
* All entries must be 100% photographic in origin and the entrant’s original conception and execution. Images created by text to image AI are not allowed.
* You may use any post production editing software to improve/enhance the natural appearance of the image; i.e., levels, contrast, brightness, curves, tone, hue, dodge and burn, saturation, lightness, color balance, tint, etc.
* You may use filters or software tools to add texture, sharpen, soften, blur, de-speckle or remove noise from your image. The ending result must be subtle and believable.
* Non-photographic presets and actions, or any other post-production techniques that enhance the natural appearance of an image but do not add, remove or warp elements in an image are permitted. Does not apply to the Open category.
* Non-photographic graphic elements like patterns, digital frames and motifs are only allowed to be used in the Open category. Text is not to be added to the image.
* You may not combine multiple images to make a final photograph, except in the Open category.
* All composites, montages, stitched panoramas, and images that contain manipulated elements must be entered in the Open Category.
* Any entry which, in the eyes of the jurying panel, appears to be drastically altered (not believable) or contain “removed, added or manipulated elements” will be disqualified or moved to the Open category.
* There will be no exceptions for deadlines, specifications or rules.
* All decisions of the jurying panel and Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. are final.
How to Enter
Starting Dec. 26th, 2023 you may upload your images to: Log in in and click Enter This Show to begin your submissions. Be advised, you will need to sign up for a free account prior to uploading your images. All payments need to be made by the cut-off date/time to avoid deletion. Submission deadline is at Midnight PDT Feb.13th, 2024. For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351
· Digital file criteria: JPEG format, sRGB color space, 1920 pixels on the long side, min 800 (horiz. or vert.) at 72ppi – not to exceed 4MB. Use your own file naming structure.
Jurying Process
A three person professional level jurying panel will review and score all entries and select the top images to be hung and eligible for awards. The final award selections will be made by a professional, independent judge, after the selected photographs are hung in the gallery.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be made via email Feb. 23rd, 2024.
Accepted Entry Print Criteria
* Accepted images cannot have the photographer's name or watermark showing and will not be accepted for hanging.
* With exception to size, your final print must be an unmodified version of the juried digital submission.
* Images printed on the following substrates are acceptable: Any quality photo, metallic or fine art paper. Canvas, aluminum, wood and acrylic are also acceptable.
* Professional presentation is a must! Use industry accepted matting and framing techniques. It is understood that some nontraditional substrates, i.e., aluminum, wood, acrylic and gallery wrap canvas may be displayed without the addition of a finished frame assembly (mat, glass & frame). Non gallery wrap canvas work requires a finished frame.
* The minimum photo print size is 8” on the short side. Finished work must not exceed 32” in height or width, including the nominal frame size (glass/Plexiglas dimensions).
* All entries must be wired for hanging. No saw tooth hangers, no double wired or box mount with a hole. The wire is to run from one side of the frame to the other and no more than 3” from the top of the image.
* Please affix an identification label to the rear top left corner of the finished photograph. The visible label must include: Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Title and Selling Price.
* Submitted work that does not meet the above requirements will not be accepted – no exceptions.
Your photograph(s) must be turned in on Monday March 25th, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 am 5:00 pm at the Port St. Lucie Mid Florida Events Center, 9221 SE Civic Center Place. Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952. All images must remain on display for the duration of the show through April 25th, 2024.
Shipping Requirements
If you live outside the Treasure Coast (Florida) area, shipping of accepted work is permissible. Shipping requirements are as follows: Photographers are responsible for all shipping arrangements and expenses. Roundtrip shipping expenses must be prepaid. Any entries sent collect will not be accepted. All artwork must be packed in a reusable USPS. UPS or FEDEX approved container and all packing material must be sufficient for safe repacking and return (no plastic peanuts or shredded paper). Crates/boxes must be clearly and properly labeled for return shipment. Your shipment must arrive by Friday March 22nd, 2024 at the following address:
Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc.
From the Heart Juried Photography Exhibition 2023
C/O Barbara Catalano
4352 Gator Trace Circle
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
The Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. and the City of Port St. Lucie will exercise the best possible care in the handling of your submissions. But, neither the Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. nor the City of Port St. Lucie shall be responsible for loss or damage of your submission due to fire, theft, vandalism, or any other cause. Entries submitted constitute agreement to the conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Photo Rights
Artist maintains copyright with TCPC, Inc. limited use. The photographer grants the Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. permission to photograph the entries for archival purposes, publicity, website, or for promotional publications.
All accepted work must be for sale. Recording of sales will be thru the Treasure Coast Photography Center, Inc. without a commission charge.
Please forward any questions you might have to or you can contact the From the Heart committee member, John Furlong, at 772 336-0289 or 772 521-4619. For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351.