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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Arkansas Pastel Society
Reflections in Pastel, 10th National Exhibition

Arkansas Pastel Society 10th National Exhibition

Nov. 17, 2023 – Jan. 12, 2024

“Reflections in Pastel”

William F. Laman Library

2801 Orange Street

North Little Rock, AR 72114


Tom Christopher, Juror

Living in the Midwest has influenced my style of painting and choice of subject matter significantly. Many of my pieces depict very common scenes I have experienced. As a child, I spent countless hours playing on the riverbanks and wooded areas in Central Iowa. Even today, I continue to be intrigued with nature and the way sunlight and shadows help define the landscape. I continue to spend my mornings hiking and sketching the rugged landscape along the Iowa River near my home. My goal is to paint relatively common scenes in a more dramatic and interesting way. Most of my finished works are the result of reference photographs and on-location (plein-air) studies.

I have worked primarily in pastels and oil paints. I plan to continue to explore these two mediums and look forward to many more years of painting and conducting workshops.

Tom Christopher is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America (PSA) and Master Circle, International Association of Pastel Societies. (IAPS)


2023-2024 Calendar

• Sept. 17 – Digital entries deadline. Entries must be entered at by midnight on this date. To begin your entries, log in and click Enter This Show

• Sept. 26 – Notifications sent out. Results will be available to view in your Artist Profile

• Oct. 30 – Deadline for receipt of shipped entries

• Nov. 9 (Noon until 3:00 pm) – Deadline for hand delivered entries

• Nov. 17 – 5:30 – 7:30 pm – Opening Reception and Award 
Ceremony (Juror will be present)

***Over $3000 in prizes, including $1000 for Best of Show***

• Nov. 17 – Show opens

• Jan. 12, 2024 – Show closes

• Jan. 16, 2024 – Pick up hand delivered entries (Noon until 3:00 pm) 

• Jan. 17, 2024 – Shipped entries returned if not sold



The North Little Public Library System is unable to sell any artwork. They will provide your price list and 
contact information to interested buyers. No commission will be taken by the library on the work.

You are welcome to bring business cards, postcards or other self-promoting items to be displayed in the 
gallery during the show. There will be a table set up which will hold all this information, along with the 
catalogue of the show. 



• Open to all artists 18 years old or older.

• Entries must be original, unpublished and executed within the last three years. Paintings that have won an award at a national level exhibition are not eligible. Best of Show winner from 2021 is not eligible this year.

• Entries must be at least 80% soft or oil pastel.

• Works produced in a class, workshop or under another artist’s supervision are not eligible. Images from the Internet or copyrighted materials may not be used as source.

• Accepted works may be refused if digital image does not accurately represent work.

• APS reserves the right to refuse any work submitted.

• Entries must be suitably framed under glass or plexiglass and ready to hang with wire (sawtooth hangers are not allowed).

• All accepted works must remain hanging for the duration of the exhibit.



• Artist may submit one entry for $25 (APS Members) or $30 (non-APS Members). 

• Additional entries may be submitted for $10 each (for APS Members) and $15 each (for non-APS Members) up to a total of 3 entries per artist. Only 1 entry per artist will be accepted.

• To enter, log in and click Enter this Show. Image files must be jpg and under 4 mb. For best results, images should be 1920 pixels on the longest side (minimum 800) @ 72 dpi. For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351

Note: Instructions are clear and simple. Accepted paintings must be shown during the entire show. All accepted paintings must be available for exhibition. Failure to do so will result in a two-year ban from APS shows. If you would like to join the Arkansas Pastel Society, our membership form can be found at and membership forms sent to:


         Ann Bleed, Membership Chairperson

         18 Cove Creek Pt.

         Little Rock, AR 72211

         Checks payable to Arkansas Pastel Society.


Delivery and return of accepted entries

• Shipped entries must be received between Oct. 27, 2023 and Nov. 6, 2023.

• Shipped entries should be sent prepaid in reusable crates with a PREPAID RETURN shipping label.

• Please do not use foam peanuts for packing.

• Insure for your own protection.

• Shipping instructions, including handling fees and return shipping information, will be sent upon notification of acceptance.

• Shipped entries will be packaged and returned no later than Jan. 17, 2024.

• Pick up hand-delivered entries January 16, 2024.


Limitations of liability

Artwork will be handled with all possible care. However, neither the Arkansas Pastel Society, The William F. Laman Public Library, nor any member of APS will be held responsible for any loss or damage.

APS recommends that plexiglass be used, especially for works that will be shipped. Glass is used at artist’s risk. Artists will be responsible for repairs to artwork damaged in shipping (Ex.: broken glass, scratched plexiglass, excessive pastel dust or dirty mat). When the painting is received, the artist will be contacted with the price of repairs. If the artist does not wish to repair the painting, it may be withdrawn from the show. Entry fee will not be returned. Entering this exhibition shall constitute understanding and agreement on the part of the artist with the conditions stated. APS suggests that artists carry separate insurance.

Permission to reproduce artist’s work for publicity purposes is assumed with acceptance.


Our website is The prospectus may be downloaded from the website. For questions, email

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