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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Hair of the Dog Brewery
24x28, Oil $1745
Brandy Agun

Making Frames
32x24, Oil $1995
Brandy Agun

Zion Color
12x12, Acrylic $390
David Allen

Christmas Gifts
16x20, Watercolor $450
Jean Anderson

Peaceful Harborview
12x16, --Please Select--watercolor $300
Gertrudes Asplund

Uncle John, 507 PIR; 82 ABN, France, July 1944
14x10, Watercolor $1200
Cindy Baij

The Antagonist
22x30, Monotype and Embellishments with Paint $900
Lea Basile-Lazarus

Before Me Without End
22x30, Monotype $900
Lea Basile-Lazarus

Sun Dancer
18x24, Oil $2500

Path to Joy
24x28, Oil $3500

Last Light on the Lake
11x14, Oil $680
Jacqueline L. Bellows

Whidbey Sunrise
11x17, Photography $800
Robert Bergstrom

6am Club
11x17, Photography $800
Robert Bergstrom

In Quiet Thought
25x30, Acrylic $400
Ann Bernard

Frozen Pond
24x18, Soft Pastel $1200
Myrna Binion

23x4x7, STEEL $2500
Ned Block

23x31x23, RESIN ON WOOD $3750
Ned Block

At the Edge of Wild
18x24, Oil on canvas $1200
Chris Bronstad

Cool Jazz
22x22, Oil on LInen $$550
Jinx Bryant

Hot Jazz
22x22, Oil on LInen $$550
Jinx Bryant

Peace Pony
16x13x13, Carrara Marble $9500
Stephenie Cardinal

Wind Spirit
13x9x4, Nevada Green Soapstone $7500
Stephenie Cardinal

Purple Wild Flowers
14x20, Printmaking $950
Steve Chan

Cloud Blossoming
14x20, Printmaking $950
Steve Chan

Morning Melody
15x21, Watercolor $800
Julie Creighton

Deception Creek
14x20, Watercolor $800
Julie Creighton

Purple Rhody Delight
12x16, Oil $250
Lorraine Descheenie

Full Moon Rising
21x14, Soft Pastel $1000
Jeannie Fine

Identity Crisis
16x16, Acrylic $350
Karla Fowler

10x13, Photo handpainted with oils $$295
Barbara Grahn

Fishing Shack
10x13, Photo handpainted with oils $295
Barbara Grahn

Smoke and Mirrors
18x24, Oil $775
Rose Guastella

Pines at Umstead
16x20, Soft Pastel $1299
Jim Hallenbeck

Flight of the Snow Geese
12x21, Combination of 2 photos $275
Beverly Hanson

Spiral Staircase
12x16, Photography $285
William Harris

Duck Pond
12x16, Photography $285
William Harris

Royal Mandala
21x21, Glass Mosaic $550
Carolyn Hoebelheinrich

Guiding Light
14.5x14.5, Mixed Media $500
Carolyn Hoebelheinrich

Just Before Dark
24x30, Pencil $700
Anna Hoey

The Harmony Of Boldness
19x29, Oil with Black Bamboo $1500.00
Anna Hoey

Maui beach
18x24, Acrylic $1500
Carolyn Hogan

x, Oil $300
Riley Howard

Manastash Meadow
24x30, Oil on Linen Panel $1600
Louis Hurlbut

Astoria Constitutional
16x20, Oil on Linen Panel $1100
Louis Hurlbut

16x12, Oil $350
Pam Jenkins

Memories of Sedona
12x30, Acrylic $750
Pam Jenkins

8x13, Oil $390
Alisa Johansson

8x13, Oil $390
Alisa Johansson

Low Tide at Haystack
14.5x17.5, Watercolor $850
Cathie Johnson

Icicle Creek Drama
16x20, Soft Pastel $1200
Anne Knapp

Souls Retreat
14x21, Watercolor $1600
Doreen Koch Allen

Up Tempo
8x8, Mixed Media $650
Doreen Koch Allen

13x19, Photography $300
Richard Kohler

Boulder and Sierras
13x19, Photography $300
Richard Kohler

24x48, Acrylic $$900.00
Lewis LaBrash

To Everything There is a Season
14x14, Watercolor $450
Ketty Lane

Tideline Treasure
24x28, Pastel $2400
Lynda Lindner

Stone Soup
20x24, Pastel $2400
Lynda Lindner

Vintage Neighbor
16x20, Watercolor $385.00
James McFarlane

Evening Fire
17x20, Watercolor $385.00
James McFarlane

9x21, Watercolor $250
Charli Meacham

Lazy Day
18x11, Soft Pastel $1500
Patricia Meras

Cowboy Poetry
9x12, Soft Pastel $750
Patricia Meras

Tranquil River's Edge
11x14, Acrylic $372
Catalina Mercado

Mount Rainier
12x12, oil on panel $520
Tatsiana Mikhailava

Olympic Mountains
12x12, oil on linen panel $520
Tatsiana Mikhailava

24x30, Oil $750
Trish Moores

Taking What's Mine
36x24, Oil $2100

Ferry Me West
5x7, Photography $150
Cristin Mount

David and Friends
16x28, Watercolor $1100
Molly Murrah

Craigs Hat
14x10, Watercolor $650
Molly Murrah

Mt. Rainier Crowned in Orange
36x24, Oil $1600
Bernadette Neff

Quilt Dreams
20x28, Watercolor $895
Beth Owen

Inner Worlds
20x16, Watercolor $595
Beth Owen

Monarch's Emerge
8x10, pastel $400.00
Megan Parks-Haller

The Cats At The Cocktail Party
12x24, Oil on Canvas $5000
Sally Pataky

Only Seven Cats
22x28, Acrylic on Canvas $5000
Sally Pataky

Pineapple Princesses
18x24, Oil $NFS
Patricia C. Pepper

In Golden Pond
36x24, Mixed Media $850
Karen Petrillose

Northwest Kayak Reflections
24x24, Watercolor $600
Karen Petrillose

O Stuart Davis
8x8, Digital $250
Sally Poole Kintz

Sunday Drive
9x12, Pastel $250
Hilaire Radowick

Black & White Fractures Bowl
4.25x9.38x9.38, Kiln-formed glass $450
Dennis Rogers

Green Stripe & Blue Window Vessel
4.5x9.5x6, Kiln-formed glass $400
Dennis Rogers

Fishing Village
24x36, Oil on Canvas $1950
Charles Salak

Late Summer Falls
16x12, Photography $120
Carlene Salazar

Shasta Daisies
15x15, Ink with map $495
Diane Sarr

Summer Blooms
16x16, Ink with Map $625
Diane Sarr

On a Roll
12x19, Mixed Media $975
Mary Schumaker

Garden Flight
21x14, Mixed Media $1165
Mary Schumaker

Vashon Ferry Chetzemoka
13x19, Watercolor $1000
Dean Seagren

8x10, Oil $300
Bonnie Siegel

Kalaloch Dawn
16x20, Photography $390
Marc Sterling

The Map is Within
30x40, Oil $2400
Ann Stockdale

Seeing Through Time
40x30, Oil $2000
Ann Stockdale

The Siren's Song
36x36, Oil $1700
Joan Teed

12x36, Oil $625
Linda Tilley

24x12, Oil $595
Linda Tilley

Fisherman's Shack
x, Printed on Aluminum $375
William Wachtler

Blue Heron Sees Dinner
12x24, Photography $375
William Wachtler


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