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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Cardinal on Turk's Cap
11x13, watercolor $385
Karen Boggs Bryant

Peeps 'n Primrose
9x11, watercolor $275
Karen Boggs Bryant

Meadowlark Song
13x10, Colored pencil and graphite $NFS
Mary Crabtree

Stellar's Jay on Bristlecone Pine Stump
16x20, Colored Pencil on Drafting film $600.00
Dorothy Depaulo

Blue Jay with Crab Apples
11x14, Colored Pencil on Drafting film $600.00
Dorothy Depaulo

Male Lazuli Bunting on Male Cottonwood
16x20, Colored Pencil on Drafting film $600.00
Dorothy Depaulo

Female Lazuli Bunting on Female Cottonwood
11x14, Colored Pencil on Drafting film $600.00
Dorothy Depaulo

Spotted Towhee
12x16, Colored Pencil $NFS
patti hearn

Weeping Birch and Gold Finch
16x20, Watercolor $NFS
Karen May

7x7, colored pencil on mylar $225
Shiere Melin

Acer saccharinum & Northern Flicker: Shift Change at the Urban Digs
8x10, Colored Pencil on Mylar drafting film $500
Martha Narey

Bower Bird
18x24, Hand Colored Polymer Etching $0
Eileen Richardson

Pine birds
16x20, Pencil $1200
Heidi Snyder

Northern Harrier
11x14, Pencil $600
Heidi Snyder

Acorn Woodpecker
11x14, Pencil $600
Heidi Snyder

Marsh Wren sending out the call
11x9, colored pencil on tea stained hot press paper $300.00
irma Sturgell

Made for Each Other
12x17, Pencil $500
Suzanne Stutzman

Black-throated Sparrow
8x8, Colored Pencil $200.00
Daniel Teska

Red Winged Blackbird
8x10, Colored Pencil $225.00
Valerie Teska

Mexican Jay
8x10, Colored Pencil $225.00
Valerie Teska

7x8, Hand-colored Etching $300
Carol Till

7x9, Hand-colored Etching $300
Carol Till

Mountain Chickadee
6x6, Etching $300
Carol Till

Flash of Blue
16x11, watercolor and graphite $1200.00
Judy Vanderbosch

Ribes cereun & Broad-tailed Hummingbird
8x8, Watercolor pencil $400
Patricia Whalen


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