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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Bird in Hiding
12.5x10.5, Watercolor $175
Liz Blum

10.5x12.5, Watercolor $200
Liz Blum

12x10.5, Watercolor $NFS
Liz Blum

8x12, Watercolor $500
Marie Laurent Burdick

22x15, Watercolor $1500
Marie Laurent Burdick

The Elder
15x11, Watercolor $1500
Marie Laurent Burdick

Chasing the Sunset
13x19, Watercolor $150
John Chapin

Jazz Man
11x9, Watercolor $100
John Chapin

12x9, Watercolor $100
John Chapin

Early Morning in Lucern
15x22, Watercolor $650
Selina Cheng

Tulips by Window
18x24, Watercolor with Collage $$750
Selina Cheng

Willie & Yogi
24x18, Watercolor $NFS
Selina Cheng

Sunflowers II
30x22, Watercolor $1375
Elizabeth Covington

Zen Lake
15x11, Watercolor $850
Elizabeth Covington

Ice Plant & Rocks
14X20, Watercolor $550
Sylvia Crosbie

Placerita Canyon
12X16, Watercolor $450
Sylvia Crosbie

14x11, Watercolor $750
Iraneide DeOliveira

in the beginning
12x16, --watercolorPlease Select-- $400
Paula Diggs

18x24, watercolor $400
Paula Diggs

30x40, Watercolor $1200
Phyllis Doyon

Dancing Poppies
40x32, Watercolor $1650
janis Elias

Disc of Color
32x40, Watercolor $1650
janis Elias

Aztec Cycle
33x25, Watercolor $NFS
janis Elias

Leaving the Garden of Eden
10x8, Watercolor $200
Jon Epstein

Shoes on the Danube
15x11, Watercolor $NFS
Cathy Fickes

I Left My Heart in San Fransisco
16x20, Watercolor $750
Gary Friedman

Street Life
18x13, watercolor $350
Gary Friedman

Purple Haze
20x27, Watercolor $1250
Gary Friedman

Windmill of My Mind
11x8, Brusho paint crystals and watercolor $260
Carrie Gaston

Picking Berries
12x9, Watercolor $NFS
Carrie Gaston

10x14, Watercolor $350
Susan Gesundheit

18x24, Watercolor $500
Susan Gesundheit

Avignon Alley
19x14, Watercolor $NFS
Susan Gesundheit

Boothbay Harbor
14x10, Watercolor $650
Jan Godachy

Winter’s Day
14x21, Watercolor $1200
Jan Godachy

Spooner Ranch
10x14, Watercolor $425
Jan Godachy

Woman At Work, Bali
14x10, Watercolor $130
Cris Gordy

Bouquet and Pears
15x22, Watercolor $$195
Cris Gordy

This Land Is Ours - Navajo Territory
15x22, Watercolor $$195
Cris Gordy

18x24, Watercolor $750
Sylvia H Goulden

30x22, Watercolor $750
Sylvia H Goulden

Isadora's Garden
19x22, Watercolor $550
Sylvia H Goulden

Wild Geese at Lombard
23x30, Watercolor $875
Judy Heimlich

View of Rainbow Falls
23x30, Watercolor $NFS
Judy Heimlich

Moonlight Tango
30x22, Watercolor $NFS
Karen Holly

Her First Swim Lesson
30x22, Watercolor $2400
Karen Holly

Homeless Not Hopeless
22x30, Watercolor $2400
Karen Holly

18x30, Watercolor $1500
Fatemeh Kian

Still Together
18x30, Watercolor $1000
Fatemeh Kian

18x30, Watercolor $1200
Fatemeh Kian

Yellow Canna
20x16, Watercolor $200
Norma Kurkjian Derr

14X19, WATERCOLOR $600
Michelene Laski

13x10, Watercolor $NFS
Michelene Laski

18x23, watercolor mixed media $900
Dorothy Lee

Patterns Around Me
18x13, watercolor $800
Dorothy Lee

What Have They Done?
18x18, watercolor collage $1000
Dorothy Lee

Anne's Dog
12x16, Watercolor $600
Bennett Levin

Lori's Sailboat
16x12, Watercolor $600
Bennett Levin

Gregg's Barn
12x16, Watercolor $600
Bennett Levin

Takin' a Lick'n
21x14, Watercolor $NFS
Spencer Mackay

Kobe Evening
21x14, Watercolor $400
Spencer Mackay

29x11, Watercolor $321
Laurie Mangiagli

Elephant !
24x18, Watercolor $321
Laurie Mangiagli

Puppy Play
24x18, Watercolor $NFS
Laurie Mangiagli

Early Vino
12x8, Watercolor $600
Charlene McDonald

On the Waterfront
18x24, Watercolor $980
Peter McDonald

Into the Woods
18x12, Watercolor $550
Peter McDonald

My Family Tree
29x22, Watercolor $1300
Peter McDonald

La Belle
16x12, --Please Select--Watercolor $NFS
Sandra McDuffie

16x12, --Please Select--Watercolor $375
Sandra McDuffie

Swimming Quietly
18 x 24, Watercolor $875
Charlotte Mullich

Colorful Beginnings
24x18, Watercolor $875
Charlotte Mullich

All Hands On...
30x22, Watercolor $NFS
Paulette Parker

Fallen Leaves
10x14, Watercolor $NFS
Lori Pollack

Feeling Grapeful
14x22, Watercolor $NFS
Lori Pollack

Positive Energy
11x15, Watercolor $NFS
Lori Pollack

24x18, Watercolor $1500
Gregory Radionov

Sam Francis and George
24X18, Watercolor $1500
Gregory Radionov

Eva and Radionov
18x24, Watercolor $1500
Gregory Radionov

Hiking at Las Virgenes Open Space
9x12, Watercolor $150
Myra Rondolo

Vaison la Romaine, Provence
12x18, Watercolor $NFS
Jeff Sage

Desert Still Life_Near Owens Lake
20x27, Watercolor $NFS
Jeff Sage

Near Gold Hill, Nevada
14x21, Watercolor $NFS
Jeff Sage

14x10, Watercolor $NFS
Cylvia Santillan

Mother and Child Wait
27x15, Gouache and Watercolor $NFS
Cylvia Santillan

16x20, Watercolor $350
Debbi Saunders

On the Rails to ABQ
11x14, opaque watercolor $NFS
Veronica Stensby

Floral Fantasy
18x24, Watercolor $650
Veronica Stensby

11x14, Watercolor $180
Veronica Stensby

Goose Creek
14x10, Watercolor $NFS
Julie Stroh

Leaving Albuquerque
18x14, Watercolor $NFS
Julie Stroh

Anna's Garden
14x18, Watercolor $NFS
Julie Stroh

Dan at Tonga Hut
18x17, transparent watercolor $NFS
Deborah Swan-McDonald

Binary Code Breakdown
20x16, Transparent Watercolor $NFS
Deborah Swan-McDonald

13x11, transparent watercolor $NFS
Deborah Swan-McDonald

Forest River #2
35x32, Watercolor $2000
Gwen Wetzler

Shy Lil Critter
26x24, Watercolor $500
Gwen Wetzler

Forest River #1
34x30, Watercolor $NFS
Gwen Wetzler

Fine Balance
17x11, Watercolor $300
Nancy Whitlock

A New Curb for Naples
19x9, Watercolor $360
Nancy Whitlock


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